Crap at Animals

More species, more madness. An expanded sequel to the company's hit show, Vigil

Crap at Animals does exactly what it says on the tin: One man tries heroically and fails epically to do impressions of 48,000 rare animals in under an hour. Performance artist Tom Bailey tries his best to do things like a Persian Musk Deer, or a Voiceless Tree Frog, but is crap at it.

Created an expanded sequel to Vigil. Made in 2019, Vigil was made from a Red List of 26,000 extinct and endangered species. Unfortunately, since the pandemic, this list has almost doubled. The sequel takes in these new species names, responding to the new, post-pandemic situation of extinction.

Created for outdoor and indoor spaces.

Created and performed by Tom Bailey

Lead Sound Design & Technician – Xavier Velastin

Sound Design – James Allen

Projection Design – Limbic Cinema & Chris Harrisson

Movement and Dramaturgy – Philippa Hambly

Associate Director – Sara Amini

Fabricator – Eirini Lampiri


Commissioned by Without Walls and Norwich & Norfolk Festival.

Supported by Arts Council England, Passage Festival (Denmark) & 101 Outdoor Arts

Journey of a Lost Hunter Gatherer
Megalith (installation)
Megalith (show)

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